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U of M Unwanted Horse Summit

The problem of unwanted horses in Minnesota and across the U.S. has increased significantly over the past six years. In 2012, the University of Minnesota was awarded a grant from Morris Animal Foundation to investigate the reasons, costs and solutions for unwanted horses in the upper Midwest and Texas.

Results from the research, and additional solutions to the unwanted horse issue identified by cooperating organizations, will be discussed at the Unwanted Horse Summit on Saturday, March 8, 2014, from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm at the University of Minnesota Leatherdale Equine Center in St. Paul, MN.


9:00 Doors Open

9:30 Welcome by Krishona Martinson, PhD, University of MN

9:45 Investigating the Unwanted Horse Problem in MN, WI, and TX by Julie Wilson, DVM, MN Board of Veterinary Medicine

10:15 Horse Prices and Seller Reasons from Sale Barns in MN, WI, and TX by Dennis Sigler, PhD, Texas A & M

10:45 Break

11:00 Working with Underserved Equines in SD by Becky Bott, PhD, SD State University

11:30 International Efforts in Horse Welfare by Julie Wilson, DVM, MN Board of Veterinary Medicine

Noon Lunch

1:00 Best Practices for Equine Rescues by Jennifer Williams, PhD, Bluebonnet Equine Humane Society

1:30 MHC, AAEP and AHC Efforts to Improve Horse Welfare by Tracy Turner, DVM, Anoka Equine

2:00 Engaging Law Enforcement in Horse Welfare Cases by Katy Bloomquist, Esq., Bloomquist Law Firm

2:30 Break

3:00 Minnesota Horse Welfare Coalition (MHWC): Gains and Growing Pains by Barb Colombo, Esq., Hamline Univ. School of Law

3:30 Media Relations Pitfalls and Opportunities by Stacy Bettison, Esq., Bettison Consulting LLC.

4:00 Group Discussion: Addressing the Unwanted Horse Issue

4:30 Program Concludes

A number of organizations involved with addressing the unwanted horse problems will be in attendance, including the Animal Humane Society, Equine Law Committee of the Minnesota State Bar Association Animal Law Section, Minnesota Hooved Animal Rescue Foundation, Minnesota Horse Council, Minnesota Horse Welfare Coalition, Refuge Farms, Student Chapter of the American Association of Equine Practitioners, Sundown Horse Shelter, This Old Horse, and Truhaven Ranch.


Program registration is required by Wednesday, March 5, 2014. The registration fee is
$25/person, and includes a program proceedings, lunch and refreshments. Registration is available online at 

For help with online registration, please call 1-800-876-8636.

Additional information can be found at Funding for the Unwanted Horse Summit is provided through a grant from Morris Animal Foundation.

Jeremy Burgeson